the success of Almium Clock screensaver, I tried to find the ways to achieve this goal.
I'm here talking about GetJar only, not globaly since it uses GetJar's specific services...
So, to increase the number of downloads, there are, at least, these ways
Make a the new-thing everyone will talk about
yeah, I know, it's the Holy Graal, but it's a way ;)
Add a link to your app everywhere, waiting for the result of this viral marketingit's the common way.
Samir was very good at this on the Playyoo contest 2 years ago...and it seems he's still good since its PTA appeared in an
India's newspaper ;)
Unfortunatly, it takes a lot of times and you could easily gain the status of "spammer" on each forum you advertize for your app.
Hope GetJar will find your app interestingI had this chance with Poulpy Game. As soon as GetJar recommanded Poulpy, my downloads increased to almost 3 times more per day !
Of course, what you think to be a good app may not be recommanded by GetJar.
I (unfortunatly) don't know how they choose their top apps.
Personnaly, I'm asking myself if
rejected SE PlayNow apps will be good enough to be recommanded by GetJar...
Use GetJar PPDWhat is PPD ? Pay Per Download...
Simply, you pay 1 to X cents each download....and to have your app in front of GetJar store
It seems
it could work a lotWhat I don't know is how much you must bid on download price ...
If you bid 1cent, does it mean you app will be visible only at midnight when almost nobody comes on GetJar ?
and if you bid 10 cents, when GetJar's servers almost die under the number of connections ?
Side note,
minimum payment is 1000$ !!
They made a promotional campagnain when I submitted Poulpy Game so I had a 50$ gift...I'll try it in the future..
I also had to talk about the GetJar rank which give you more chance to be on the top of list in your app category.
How does it work ? well...
nobody but GetJar knows , so I didn't add it on a way to increase your number since you have no control on it.
I think it's a factor based on number of downloads between each week : if download number of week X is higher than week X-1, your rank is better
as soon as your downloads drop, rank drops too.
Note I don't know if using GetJar MADI will update your rank or not.
If you see another way, share it with us ;)
ps: I don't know which one Almium used!